People who would download AnyDesk and let a stranger access their computer should not be banking online, I'll grant that.
A friend who is very non-tech-savvy called me about something he thought might be fishy. I don't remember what scam it was, but it's the kind of thing everyone here would recognize immediately.
I ask him a few questions about password security. The answers are frightening. So I asked him
- do you bank online? No
- do you get email notices from your bank? No
- do you do paperless statements? No
- do you get text alerts? No
I said, "Okay, keep it that way." As far as his bank is concerned, he has a physical address and a landline.
All of us can be hacked by a determined foe, of course, but some people really should not do anything confidential or financial online. He hardly even shops online, and I told him that was probably a good thing.
But then, there are some people who set themselves up as experts and they say things like
“Insert it on Google: if it returns less than 10 results it means it’s a good password.”