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Topics - DogBoy

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This morning we are publishing a public service announcement about a severe Drupal core remote code execution vulnerability announced yesterday. If you use Drupal or know someone who does, I'd encourage you to read this post and spread the word.

The vulnerability allows an attacker, leveraging multiple attack vectors, to take complete control of a website. The Drupal team estimates that at the time of the announcement over 1 million sites are affected, about 9% of Drupal sites.

Our focus is usually WordPress security, but given the severity and wide impact of this vulnerability, we feel it justifies a PSA to help spread the word.

You can find the full details on the official Wordfence blog...


Mark Maunder
Defiant Inc CEO

Traffic / Still thinking Google's AI is harmless?
« on: December 31, 2016, 03:51:19 PM »
So there I was... innocently dragging a partial image of lithium boat battery (with a file name of battery-trash.png) into the search box, hoping Google Image Search might identify the manufacturer.... but instead of finding that, it came up with this... "Best guess for this image: battle of el alamein" (SEE ATTACHED)

Me: "Hey Google, Can you help me find a battery?"
Google: "Unfortunately, we seem to be all out of batteries, but we have some death and destruction, you might find of interest..."

...and yes, I was logged out; that's default search.

Traffic / the 98 data points that Facebook knows about you
« on: August 27, 2016, 07:15:22 AM »

As the Washington Post reports, these are the 98 data points that Facebook knows about you:

Education level
Field of study
Ethnic affinity
Income and net worth
Home ownership and type
Home value
Property size
Square footage of home
Year home was built
Household composition
Users who have an anniversary within 30 days
Users who are away from family or hometown
Users who are friends with someone who has an anniversary, is newly married or engaged, recently moved, or has an upcoming birthday
Users in long-distance relationships
Users in new relationships
Users who have new jobs
Users who are newly engaged
Users who are newly married
Users who have recently moved
Users who have birthdays soon
Expectant parents
Mothers, divided by “type” (soccer, trendy, etc.)
Users who are likely to engage in politics
Conservatives and liberals
Relationship status
Job title
Office type
Users who own motorcycles
Users who plan to buy a car (and what kind/brand of car, and how soon)
Users who bought auto parts or accessories recently
Users who are likely to need auto parts or services
Style and brand of car you drive
Year car was bought
Age of car
How much money user is likely to spend on next car
Where user is likely to buy next car
Full Article

Monetization / PPC inflation
« on: April 06, 2016, 06:43:43 PM »
“cash advance structured settlement” $489.91
“business phone systems pbx” $470.77
“business planning services” $465.75
“best college for teaching degree” $443.50

Per. f###ing. Click.

Traffic / Typical traffic and monetization patterns in youtube?
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:09:01 PM »
We are doing a test of 500 videos (every video is a different, non-competitive area) and we are trying to get a handle on what is 'normal', with respect to typical traffic and monetization patterns you might expect to find in youtube.

For example, in terms of youtube search traffic, maybe they give your video an initial boost, see how you fare, and then adjust from there, so that a 'normal' pattern might be an initial spike, then a calming down. I have no idea.  Maybe there is no boost, and instead there is a sandbox before you can rank a video.

Same with monetization.  I was crushed to find only like 15% of our total views, were actually being monetized with ads.  Does that change over time, or do those videos just suck for monetization and that is just the way it is?

I don't want to project if these aren't straight line curves.


Water Cooler / This is something special...
« on: January 21, 2016, 04:40:02 PM »

By chance is anyone coming down my way for the pubcon event in about a month from now, in Lauderdale?

Water Cooler / Merry Holidays
« on: December 23, 2015, 11:09:20 PM »
Just wanted to wish all of you my best wishes, for the end of this year, and the new one bearing down us:) I hope it is kind to us.

There is a startup in my incubator that needs a 'paid event' (or 'meetup') style website built for them and they approached me to be the project manager, because they are totally not technical.

I looked and there are paid plugins that would work perfectly for their needs and there are paid themes for events sites that are really nice, that I can pay to have customized. Both were rated high and had substantial downloads. I don't know what else they need, but basically I can damn near turnkey this myself in a few days, and then hire others to tweak it to my needs.

I was thinking I'd just bill them for my time, plus a percentage of the spend for management, but I was just wondering what a wordpress like this goes for on the market these days? And what it would cost if you had a custom solution built just for them. So that they could see their options.

Traffic / 5 star rating boost -
« on: August 30, 2015, 11:23:45 AM »

...just came across this.

Hardware & Technology /
« on: August 03, 2015, 06:03:00 PM »

...I finally went and watched the video; wow. I felt like it was a tool for doing work, not just a ton a data that looks pretty on charts. 

Anyone using it on here? Sure seems useful.

Marketing / Add your name to the subject line for a 27% open rate
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:54:00 PM »
I was just sending some (completely unsolicited but industry targeted) mail and decided to add my name to the subject, on the assumption that it would increase clicks, and it definitely has: at about 28hrs I am at a 27% open rate (twice avg) and a 1.5% CTR (exactly avg) to the site I am promoting.

<fname lname> - <subject> simple as that. People never send spam with their name in the subject line.  So that's what you do.

I had a friend of mine skin a site on the cheap and when I checked it out on my phone, it was about 80% there and the rest was screwy.  Left me with a very bad taste in my mouth. I don't have the cash atm to get a coder on it to tweak it - does anyone know a way to just kill the responsive element to a WP theme? I'd rather someone see the full size site, rather than one they didn't even know was screwy and they just leave.

Water Cooler / Got my adwords and analytics certs
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:43:45 PM »
I just passed my exams - I'm good for another year!

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