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Messages - Rupert

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 153
Can you share it with Donald?

$1060 per year.

Its very interesting, and I am only part way down it. I would love to know a bit more about who is financing it.

Most of what is written is over my general knowledge base, and the view of political/financial interactions is fascinating.

However, when it comes to something I do know a little about, it gives a very one-sided and simplistic view. imho.

the North Sea oil and gas field production it says has been wasted by the UK, compared to Norway. I have friends in both Countries in the industry, and the big difference there is the Population (5.5million to 68 million ) of each country. That as mean Norway has built a massive cash reserve. The UK has spent it.

Yes there is more left.

If I were retired I would look into the cost of subscription for interest :) 

Water Cooler / Re: Smart phone use and the ability to read faces
« on: December 23, 2024, 09:49:45 AM »
Very Nice!

Water Cooler / Smart phone use and the ability to read faces
« on: December 22, 2024, 08:25:16 AM »
Lucy my daughter sent me this

I was interested in the different use of the phone call verses text... Lonely or anxious.

She also told me about smart phone users loose periferal vision, as their eyes get used to focusing on a small rectangle not the full vision space. I cannot see it in this study I think it came from her masters.

Never though of that as a consequence before.
Apologies for the typos. Doing this on my phone 🤔

Water Cooler / Re: Terminator Scenario
« on: December 07, 2024, 07:21:57 AM »
HAL 2001

Water Cooler / Re: Terminator Scenario
« on: December 06, 2024, 04:51:30 PM »
RC, Click through on LMs link....  I meant that.

Water Cooler / Re: Terminator Scenario
« on: December 06, 2024, 03:05:48 PM »
Is that for real?

LM you are very reliable with your sources, but thats and image of a reddit....

I would hate that to be true...

Web Development / Re: Offloading domains
« on: December 05, 2024, 10:11:20 AM »
So  from this I assume there is little value in an aged domain link for SEO now.

I had a check through some of my auto generated passwords.  Some have commas.

Economics & Investing / Re: Hydrogen as a fuel
« on: October 07, 2024, 05:40:00 AM »
Fair point.
It would be interesting to see the complete losses and costs compared.

Water Cooler / Re: Core continuing commitment to health and fitness
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:10:30 AM »
Awesome, its a weight off your mind I think :)

Economics & Investing / Re: Hydrogen as a fuel
« on: September 19, 2024, 03:48:16 PM »
Yes, but that 60% loss is just the storage.....

Economics & Investing / Re: Hydrogen as a fuel
« on: September 07, 2024, 06:04:11 AM »
Found this in the article:

The technology’s drawback is that it loses up to 60 percent of energy in the conversion steps.

Thats a lot. So its cheap to set up, but not so cheap to run. however if there is excess elec being made, it does not matter.

compressors I guess will cost to maintain as well as the losses, and the high cost of making the kit.

Its apparently old tech, so surprising to me in a way its taken to now to get this far.


Water Cooler / Re: Core continuing commitment to health and fitness
« on: August 31, 2024, 07:14:05 AM »
Ah... motorbike :) Walking in the evenings, swimming off the Amalfi coast, Capri, Garda, the English Channel, walks in the alps, but loads of time sat in the saddle.

And don't you love an Italian supper?  The take all evening!

Three days on a ferry eating, drinking, reading watching the dolphins in the Bay of Biscay didn't help either.

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