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Messages - Boydster

Pages: [1]
Web Development / Re: Cointent Writing Services - Your Favs?
« on: January 13, 2011, 12:02:46 PM »
@littleman: thanks!

Found this decent list of services on Quora... some I haven't heard of, others have already been mentioned in this thread. It's worth keeping an eye on as more answers are added.

Web Development / Re: Cointent Writing Services - Your Favs?
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:23:26 AM »
If you need copy in a hurry and you don't have titles in mind already, then Constant Content might be worth a look. While you can still order copy to spec from their pool of writers, the most useful feature is the ability to buy or license pre-written articles. I've found it to be more expensive than TB, but if you're stuck for copy it's worth a look.

As others have said, Craigslist is worth the effort. I've had published authors and journalists apply for positions on there, but some of the rates you get quoted are insane. £200 for an article? I think not!

Don't overlook Gumtree either. You can find some fairly decent writers there and for some reason they tend to be cheaper than those on Craigslist.

I've used the ProBlogger job board in the past, which has been hit or miss. Another one that's well worth a look is the Freelance Switch marketplace, which tends to be of quite high standard.

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