>garden of weeds
Cities & HOAs are having trouble adjusting to eco-friendly yards.The city wanted me to take better care of my gardens, so I had them approved by the local nature conservation association : r/MaliciousCompliance
I'm not inclined to be a gardener, but the on-going Pollenator Apocalypse has me seriously concerned. So I planted a small flower garden (heavily mechanized for easy maintenance) and we've put pollenator favorites in containers on the deck (slated to be mechanized soon with smarthome water valve). Pollenator gardens are oddly tech-y when you're starting from scratch; heights, spread, colors, bloom season, sunlight, water ...the list goes on. I learned quite a bit, especially that flower gardens are expensive.
I've also slowed down the lawn-mowing cycle to 2, sometimes 3 weeks. Last year, I started leaving big patches of clover flowers by mowing around them. This year, I'm trying to go 3 weeks and also leave a thick patch of clover flowers ....which the bees like better than the expensive plants, hhh.
I saw an article earlier this year that said "Mowing your yard every 2 weeks instead of weekly increases the bee population by 30%."
To mow or to mow less: Lawn mowing frequency affects bee abundance and diversity in suburban yards | Treesearch