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Why We Are Here => Web Development => Topic started by: rcjordan on October 06, 2016, 02:42:43 PM

Title: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: rcjordan on October 06, 2016, 02:42:43 PM
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: littleman on October 06, 2016, 05:35:39 PM
Broadcast news is really such sh## these days.  I think what's happen is the classic frog-in-the-pot situation where older folks who have been watching cable news for the last several decades have been exposed to the gradual decline and just got use to the utter trash that is beaming at them.  Radio is largely the same now too, with the exception of BBC & NPR.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: Travoli on October 06, 2016, 09:58:09 PM
No news on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Cable is for old folks. What's broadcast?
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: rcjordan on October 06, 2016, 10:34:56 PM

It's that weird stream with commercials that I have to put on the dvr so THEN Louise can skip them. Still works for NFL, but only old folk watch sports anyway.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: Travoli on October 06, 2016, 11:43:54 PM
>only old folk watch sports

Whats your age cutoff on "old"?

Tons of 30-39 year olds posting about NFL games on FB every week.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: rcjordan on October 07, 2016, 12:00:57 AM

Right now, it appears to be around 30
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: rcjordan on October 07, 2016, 12:03:20 AM

Analysis: The league's current woes may pale in comparison to an exodus of the younger viewers who could support the sport in the future
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: rcjordan on October 07, 2016, 11:46:12 AM
In my reader this morning

Why Are Fewer People Watching The NFL So Far This Season?

Many are in disbelief/denial that many traditional sports are dying, but Debbie is pretty damn sure of herself on this one.  Fanbois can keep explaining it away but they aren't going to change the outcome.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: ergophobe on October 07, 2016, 11:38:15 PM
Broadcast news is really such sh## these days.  I think what's happen is the classic frog-in-the-pot situation where older folks who have been watching cable news for the last several decades have been exposed to the gradual decline and just got use to the utter trash that is beaming at them.  Radio is largely the same now too, with the exception of BBC & NPR.

Tim Ferris has a great interview with Glenn Beck. Now, those of you who have suffered through enough of my long posts to know where I stand on things might be surprised that I would be touting a Glenn Beck interview, but it's really worth it for many reasons. One of them is Beck's candid admission that he regrets what he did at Fox and how in contributed to the rancor in the country and how he thinks it has all gone too far. He makes some comment about leaving Fox to save his soul.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: Mackin USA on October 08, 2016, 10:49:12 AM
TY ergophobe

Beck did go too far.

I'm still impressed by #209 on TWC
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: ergophobe on October 08, 2016, 06:39:55 PM
Regardless of you how feel about Beck, i's worth checking out the interview -

>> #209 on TWC

#209 of which show?

On the larger topic, I've been talking to people lately about "slow media"  in the same way that people talk about "slow food" as an antidote to fast food. Broadcast tends toward fast media, but a lot of print is fast media too and the best of broadcast media is slow media.

I think that's a more important distinction than reading/listening/watching.

I'd be curious what's driving the preference for reading, which isn't really addressed in the article. One of the fundamental features of reading is that it's more random access - you can jump around, skim, slow down to dive in on a part that interests you and then jump again. You drive the rhythm and I suspect younger people have simply grown up in a world where they find it annoying to let a producer drive the rhythm.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: littleman on October 08, 2016, 06:40:17 PM
>Glenn Beck
It seems that people these days could basically do anything as long as they apologize for it.
Part of it might be all the revelations about long term damage from head injuries.  Its hard to enjoy a game when you know that you are watching brain damage in process.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: littleman on October 08, 2016, 06:50:28 PM
>slow media
I think this article belongs in here:
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: ergophobe on October 08, 2016, 08:15:17 PM
>Glenn Beck
It seems that people these days could basically do anything as long as they apologize for it.

Don't get me wrong, Glenn Beck and I are world's apart, but I think his fundamental observation that the rancor in the country is a problem, that his actions are partly responsible for causing that problem, that he lost sight of what was right and that he's trying to return a more civil discourse is better than simply turning up the volume, which is what most of his cohorts have done.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: ergophobe on October 08, 2016, 08:26:14 PM
The news also completely fucks up the layperson’s perception of risk.

Totally agree with that. This is one of my main complaints with fast media. It makes you think most people die from shark attacks, child abductions, plane crashes and terrorism, when in fact, most of them are dying from obesity, heart disease, car crashes, etc.

It makes you think the greatest threat to your safety is hopping in a Tesla, when you're more likely to get killed by pilot error. The whole Toyota sudden acceleration problem was, in all likelihood, a series of driver errors that got overreported. There is little evidence there was anything wrong with the cars and strong evidence there was nothing wrong with the cars. Malcolm Gladwell had an episode of Revisionist History on this recently - in every car tested if you have a runaway engine and step on the brake, the car stops normally. In fact, the Camry with full open throttle had the same stopping distance as a Taurus in normal conditions.

Back to the original article, I still wonder how younger people read this news conceptually (rather than focusing on the medium). Are they better than their parents? They have grown up in an era when every thinking person should know that there is a difference between "news" and "truth," when a newscaster saying "And that's the way it is" would sound absurd.

littleman - you have teenagers. What do you think? Or are they still too young to say?
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: littleman on October 09, 2016, 01:18:42 AM
My kids range from 4 to 18.  The two oldest pay attention to world events but I don't think either of them watch or listen to any broadcast shows at all. No news.  They get news mostly from sites like we do.  They are both very political for their age and we talk world events.  They think the older generations are very irrational to be honest.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: ergophobe on October 09, 2016, 06:09:56 PM
They think the older generations are very irrational to be honest.

Well, at least they've figured that out young. Of course, I wonder what 18 year-old didn't find older generations irrational.
Title: Re: Younger adults more likely than their elders to prefer reading news
Post by: littleman on October 10, 2016, 01:45:12 AM
True.  I remember thinking the same thing.