Well, I needed one of your control panels, Rupert. My 20 yr-old dishwasher's circuit board crapped out Friday.
In keeping with another thread here, the first thing I did was check Amz bestsellers up to $500 ...trouble is, even WITH the vendors spamming the reviews, the best they could muster was 3.5 stars. Figuring that if I'm going to join Dishwasher Hell with the rest of the masses, I would do it with a throwaway. I set my CL scanner on 'wide-angle stun' and picked up one in mint condition for $100. Finished the installation just now --with modifications.
>How much is it going to cost to never have to address this issue again? (from yet another old thread)
1st pix: My drain hose assembly made from automotive heater hose to replace the OEM piece of crap shown above it.
2nd pix: Copper pan under dishwasher with drain hole into crawlspace. This was already there, but I upgraded the wall flashing to copper over edpm