That's a quick take, fairly distant. I think that's easier to pull off without flags. It's the times she is standing and when you see her face where it feels off to me. When she's sitting and it's not zoomed in to see the facial expression, like in the clip you posted, I would be 100% faked out.
I think if I weren't on the alert, I would also be entirely faked out by the others. I wish I had seen it and been told they were auditions and they were asking the audience to rate which newscasters the liked better. I think in that case I would miss completely which was AI and which was human, but I would find the AI newscasters less likeable.
I just find the motions and postures while standing and the facial expressions just not quite right. But more like "that person is odd" than "that is a fake" if you know what I mean.
I expect that by 2025, only the most astute and well-trained human observers will be able to tell them apart at better than random and by 2030 we'll all be downvoting the human as odd and just a little wooden.