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Messages - gm66

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Water Cooler / Re: CORONA Data
« on: September 28, 2020, 09:36:27 PM »
I think we can all agree now that the government has massively over-reacted, so why are the policies in opposition to the data still ?

If we were investigating a crime-ring then the fact that lots of the people in place to 'advise' govs on the matter of COVID policy also have a vested financial interest would be a rather large red flag. There are a multitude of individuals in the West who are policy influencers in this regard but also have what would normally be called a conflict of interest.

Why are the gov policies based on cases rather than the actual risk that the virus poses, which is very low for most of us?

Why are so many health professionals speaking out against the COVID measures ?

Why are the COVID 'rules' being passed via Statutory Instruments (giving parliament less than an hour in some cases to read the relevant material, which is feet-high stacks of paper) before 'voting' on the 'bill' ? (in the UK, a parliamentary vote usually means doing what 'the whip' tells you to do - the whip being some arrogant bastard running around Westminster telling everyone to be 'on message').

And please don't tell me they use Statutory Instruments because it's an emergency, they used the same process to pass the UK/US extradition treaty, and other laws that benefit the state but not the people in most cases.

Why are most governments passing dictates that are flying in the face of the data ?

Even Piers Pigface Morgan was questioning the stats on Morning TV the other day, ITV have been very good at allowing people to question the stats on air without calling them COVIDIOTS and the like.

I am incensed, as all of us who are informed should be, businesses have crumpled and many people have died due to policies, not virii.

The regular protests at Trafalgar Square in London aren't full of nutcases who worship at the Church of Icke (why the f### did they choose him as one of the spokepersons!?), they are an incredible cross-section of London society, from the working class and beyond. The protests were all peaceful until the riot police showed up and started 'kettling', and then hitting people with their batons, pushing old ladies to the ground.

Here is last Saturday's protest in full, it's mostly boring until the police (lots of whom had Eastern European accents, according to many protesters) decide to send in the Territorial Support Group (who have had bad press since the '80s) :

And of course, the only footage the media show us is the sensational footage with the one or two bad apples that go to all protests to cause trouble.

Don't Believe The Hype.

Water Cooler / Re: CORONA Data
« on: September 21, 2020, 09:34:11 PM »
Anything from any other countries? I can't find a source as up-to-date as the NHS England one for daily deaths ?

Water Cooler / CORONA Data
« on: September 21, 2020, 08:18:25 AM »
How's the data looking in your country ?

Here's the daily deaths stats from NHS England from the start up until a few days ago :

Data source :

Water Cooler / Re: Meanwhile, on the East Coast
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:57:57 PM »
>most of us are so dumb and short-sighted we need Mamma and Pappa State to 'guide' us ?

Most of THEM. I'm ok. hhh

Ye screw THEM ! Different f###ers from US !

I was being inclusive, i dislike the typical independent-media type that calls people asleep and sheeple when they could call them simply uninformed. You can't convince people that the government is a bunch of c###s if you insult the people you're trying to raise the awareness of.

Water Cooler / Re: Today.
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:52:07 PM »
How you doing GM?

Better now how are you ?

Water Cooler / Re: New, Good Media
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:50:03 PM »
How about the news? Totally fictional comedy-drama with a good dose of condescension thrown in. Lap it up.

Water Cooler / Re: Meanwhile, on the East Coast
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:47:40 PM »
The people at the top have the Big Picture, we don't, therefore we are pieces on a board, unimportant, dispensible.

Once you realise that you are nothing in their eyes then it all makes sense.

'They' aren't cold and callous, they're just doing the best thing as far as large-scale and long-term planning goes, even c###s like Cheney felt that they had a vision and were doing 'the right thing', even up to and including outing your own Lesbian daughter for the furtherance of your straight daughter's career.

Maybe they're right, perhaps most of us are so dumb and short-sighted we need Mamma and Pappa State to 'guide' us ?

I don't feel like that, do you ?

Economics & Investing / Re: At what age do you want to retire?
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:41:15 PM »
Will you vanish at your retirement party, then?

Yes, up my ring ;+}

Water Cooler / Re: California burning again
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:40:14 PM »
Dear US cousins, stop building homes made from matchwood and get some good old-fashioned British bricks in there.

Stops external fires AND tornadoes!

Water Cooler / Re: Quarantine Reading (Buckworks)
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:35:33 PM »
COVID Quarantine reading, interesting how many of the suggestions are works of fiction.

Water Cooler / Re: California burning again
« on: September 13, 2020, 12:30:39 AM »
There's no magical technology that does much on a wildfire.

Good point i wasn't thinking of the scale just the effect.
Let's think on then.

Fire needs air, how can we quickly deprive a large area of terrain of oxygen?

1. Vacuum bombs, they use the surrounding air to combust and generate a huge explosion but obviously pulverise all that lies below, so only useful in sections where there are no buildings.

I have no number 2 yet.

Economics & Investing / Re: At what age do you want to retire?
« on: September 12, 2020, 11:45:21 PM »
I'm going to retire at the age of one hundred and eleventy one.

Water Cooler / Re: Meanwhile, on the East Coast
« on: September 12, 2020, 11:44:29 PM »
Lots of bad weather in the Major food-producing areas of the US. Coupled with the farm shutdowns, the bad grain harvest and the large-scale culling of meat animals 2021 ain't looking good for food.

Plus the anomalous explosions at many major food storage and distribution plants, started in Arabic countries in the Middle-East and there have been others in the UK and elsewhere, totally against the odds, never happened before, all of them major.

Something is afoot, we also had the Rocker Fellah paper at the end of July about the Great American Table Reset, all about a new world order of food control, and then, only two months later, a bill based on the paper was ratified by the Senate.

All very quiet in the news but there if you look for it, in other words, only curious people can easily find out about new legislation (or Empirical Decrees), because it isn't widely publicised.

Food is quite important, why isn't it big news ?

Also not widely publicised, the Bank of England (who employ foreigners in high positions, i don't agree with that, but the days of sovereign nations have long passed so it's immaterial) have jumped on the carbon tax bandwagon and made new 'rules' that will wipe out most small businesses because it's impossible to comply with the new laws unless you have a ton of resources.

The 'new normal' isn't about germs, it's about total control, total information awareness, full spectrum dominance.

It's Nazi Germany but with far subtler marketing and control tools.

Water Cooler / Re: California burning again
« on: September 12, 2020, 11:29:15 PM »
You can defeat intense flames with directed beams of high voltage electricity, there was research done on this 15 years or more ago but i never heard much after that, with today's LIPO batteries you could make a great flame-killer, the old research resulted in a directed electric spike that snubbed out the flame, which is weirdly the opposite that Nikolai Tesla did, he used the weak EM field of the flame as a magnetic snubber.

Water Cooler / Re: New, Good Media
« on: September 12, 2020, 11:20:37 PM »
I really enjoyed After Life, with Ricky Gervais. It's a bit dark. You have to stick with it. I just watched the first episode of season 2 and will definitely watch the rest.

It crosses lines for me, i hate to sound like Mary Whitehouse, but lots of modern humour isn't even toilet-humour, it's just toilets, i find myself watching older comedies more often.

I blame the dumbing down of education in general and the tendency to disencourage (is that a bloody word?) imagination , lots of  the young script writers are thick as two short planks compared to stuff like Monty Python, Seinfeld and Friends, which is generationally recent.

This is embarrasing for me but i'' share it with the group because forums are basically group-therapy in the end ;+} I've become hooked on a reality TV show called Below Decks, on Bravo i think in the US.

In the face of crap drama on TV, at least these series are real so you're getting real reactions (i know they stage parts of it).
I'm shuting up now, there's no excuse, i'm just watching crap, i have COVID lazy-brain disease.

I've probably said these before but they are always worth rementioning :

Life After Beth.
Phil The Alien.
Bad Milo.
Lars And The Real Girl.

If i could only own one film it would be the 82 Blade Runner commercial release not the directors cut, madly enough i found Sean Young's YT channel a couple of years back and she responded to a couple of posts. If you like blade runner her channel is worth a visit, she has private video of Sting filming Dune and other things :

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