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Messages - bill

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Looks like some more people are starting to realize that RSS feeds offer a whole lot more than your average SNS.

Hardware & Technology / Re: 2FA Weakness
« on: August 22, 2018, 02:58:19 AM »
What about Duo?
I have to use Duo for one account, but that seems to be more for enterprise rather than consumer. I do like the interface and functionality. Seems more polished and stable than others. Do they even have a free version?

Hardware & Technology / Re: 2FA Weakness
« on: August 19, 2018, 02:55:44 AM »
Yubikey looks like a good one. One bloke in office uses one.

I've had YubiKeys for years. Problem with them for me is that most of the FIDO alliance sites only work with Chrome. So it's still not optimal in terms of browser support.

Hardware & Technology / Re: 2FA Weakness
« on: August 18, 2018, 02:24:49 AM »
I've been using Authy for years

The old SMS text vulnerability... That is a down side.
Hard for me to migrate from Authy just due to the time involved. I used to religiously screenshot the QR codes and save them, but I was using multiple devices and maintaining my OTPs among them was a PITA. Authy made all that go away. Things like wiping my phone and restoring then meant I had to setup Google Authenticator from scratch with all of the codes.

I guess for things that are critical like a bank or financial account you could still use an alternate OTP app like FreeOTP. I haven't found one yet that will allow me to easily backup and restore a OTP store. That would be ideal.

Might need to look into this YubiKey app mentioned in the thread.

Hardware & Technology / Re: 2FA Weakness
« on: August 17, 2018, 08:34:34 AM »
Although I've looked for better open source alternatives, I've been using Authy for years. With GA if you lose your phone you lose all of your 2FA...unless you take Ergo's advice and screenshot all the QR codes. I did do that for a while, but there are just so many now that maintaining my screenshots was difficult.

Water Cooler / Re: Scorched England
« on: July 25, 2018, 01:06:03 AM »
I was there last week and it seemed to be all anyone was talking about. I guess it did look a bit brown, but I haven't seen it otherwise. It was a bit noticeable from the plane when taking off though. I thought I'd be hearing of the World Cup or politics in the pub, but instead the brown grass was the topic of the day.

Hardware & Technology / Re: Anyone here a HAM?
« on: July 23, 2018, 07:40:24 PM »
I used to do CB on the various bands a good few years back.

Was fun.
My dad had a CB radio in the car that I had a lot of fun with as a kid. He always used to complain about the guys who had huge amplifiers and antennas who would use ham equipment to push the acceptable limits of the CB bands and power output limits. Up until very recently you weren't supposed to use CB to 'work the skip' and communicate long distance. You really need a ham license to work the bands that will bounce around the world.

Hardware & Technology / Re: Anyone here a HAM?
« on: July 23, 2018, 07:34:11 PM »
Little:  How did you not get into HAM when your dad was into it!
Yeah. One thing I've learned along the way is that a lot of that old equipment still holds value today depending what shape it's in. A lot of these radios don't depreciate much and some even sell for more than when they were purchased.
I've always thought HAM was neat and wanted to get into it but didn't know where/ how to get started.
It's not too difficult to get licensed. The FCC publishes all of the test questions and answers. You could just memorize them and pass the test. I used an online test training site to drill myself on the questions and was able to pass the Technician class and General class tests in one sitting. I need to study a bit more to get the top class Extra so I could do everything, but the General class license lets me do quite a bit. I could get you more info if you're really interested.

Hardware & Technology / Re: Anyone here a HAM?
« on: July 23, 2018, 11:34:27 AM »
Well, to follow up I did get my license and a bunch of gear. It's a very cool way to communicate that just works when all else goes down. I spend a lot more time playing with digital modes rather than your normal analog talking modes.  Studying for the test taught me a lot about radio waves and their propagation that has helped me out in other aspects of my work so it's been really worthwhile for me on several levels.

Water Cooler / Re: RIP Indredibill William Atchison
« on: July 12, 2018, 07:04:53 PM »
Bummed about this. He was working really hard on revamping WmW behind the scenes. Although it may look the same as before, but he took the 1990s code and made it look the same in HTML5. An unsung accomplishment that a lot of people over there seem to have forgotten.

An impressive individual who will be sorely missed...

Water Cooler / Re: Thanos Did Nothing Wrong
« on: July 11, 2018, 04:15:59 AM »
we may have hit peak-reddit.
I've thought that for years, but the place just keeps getting bigger. Problem is that there are some awesome communities in there among the dregs.

I was very anal about putting everyone I followed on Twitter into one or more category lists, so I can scan topics via TweetDeck using these lists, which also seems not to show any ads (or maybe it's just all my privacy add-ons). I've found that usable in certain situations, but like aaron I find it leads me down a rabbit hole time suck vortex that is hard to justify sometimes.

Hardware & Technology / Recommended Endpoint Protection these days
« on: July 05, 2018, 05:03:47 AM »
I was asked for recommendations for enterprise level endpoint protection products so I wanted to ask Th3 Core if anyone had either used or worked in a big operation with a decent Endpoint Protection package. I don't even use AV on most of my systems anymore so I'm a bit out of the loop these days as to what's good.

Right now the organization is looking at
  • Palo Alto Traps
  • Cylance Advanced Threat Protection
  • Carbon Black Defense
Anything to say about these or suggestions to add?

Started playing with Mastodon a little over a year ago. Made accounts on various servers to see how the different policies of instances would affect feeds.  The instance owner/admin can set federation and limit what can be seen, so if you have an uber-SJW admin they'll block federation of any other Mastodon instance that 'offends' I find those a bit limiting.  However the opposite extreme can be found as well and those are neighborhoods best not visited while in the office. It's hard to find an instance that's 'just right', and that may be why people find it easier to just setup their own. I'm looking forward to Th3 Core instance...

....and good thing I stopped using Stylish when they were sold...

oy vey

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