Still kind of lazy, but the arm is improving which is opening up possibilities. I've moved from avoiding anything over 5 pounds to carrying sheets of plywood.
Why sheets of plywood, you didn't actually ask? I am about 3/4 of the way done on building my small backyard training wall. It's only 12x9, but it is built on an axle and has teh ability to be set anywhere from straight up to 60 degrees over (i.e. 30-degree angle with the ground, 60 degrees of vertical). Raising and lower system yet to be worked out, so currently climbing on it veritcal.
Really looking forward to being able to get a bit more fit for climbing, joints and God willing.
WAF was much improved by turning it into an art project (Tunnel View in Yosemite, painted entirely with free leftover test samples of housepaint - had about six colors to choose from).