Just realised I'm almost 2 years on from starting to get back to regular exercising. In terms of fitness goals, its going well, though if anything am in danger of pushing to obsessive levels by my own (low) standards.
I think I posted a bit earlier in this thread that I started cyclocross training, which led on to some racing, which led on to a lot more racing, which led on to taking training a lot more seriously, which is just about where I am now.
The new cyclocross season starts this Sunday.
In June I took on a personal trainer to help introduce some weight training having not done this in any serious way for 10+ years. This has been a great help. Very targeted to my cycle racing objectives and quick to feel the benefits.
Now I find myself trying to strike a balance between:
The fitness work...
1. Long bike ride to maintain base fitness (doing OK here, approx. 1 per week) - also throw in commuting by bike which adds another 30-40 miles a week or so.
2. Weight training - 1x PT session, 1x individual per week (meeting this mostly)
3. Coached Cyclocross skills training - 1x per week (nothing over the summer, but starting up next week and usually make this)
4. Interval training - just not doing this at the moment and need to get on with incorporating it
5. Racing! This will be approx once every 2-3 weeks September to February with a quite spell through December.
6. Almost
The diet... I'm making much more considered choices with what I consume. Balancing carbs at the right time, proteins, etc. Cutting out alcohol around races and reducing generally. Not scientific precision here, but conscious choices.
The bikes... some focus needed here to stay on top of maintenance and ensure races aren't compromised by the equipment.
Rest... consciously trying to get more sleep and plan rest days to avoid fatigue.
I feel a completely different level of health and fitness vs. 2 years ago, where the motivation to kick start was equal measures of physical and mental health improvement after losing some regular routines through the pandemic. Plus hitting mid-40s, accepting that the peak was long behind me and wanting to take control of the things we can control.
"You're someone who has trouble doing things for secondary gain."
Yep. I love cycling, first, and secondly, I know its good for me, physically and mentally.
Cyclocross racing is a whole load of fun. Not sure its wholly good for me physically. I tend to have as many bruises and cuts on my legs and arms as my 6 and 9 year old boys. There are far easier ways to stay fit, but I'm glad that at least cardiovascular and cognitive health appears to be a side benefit of competitively riding bicycles.