Yes, that’s a classic. Though my all time favorite Onion headline was when they had a front page story: “US Soft Rink Supplies Strong” and an article citing various offices sounding people reassuring the public that there was no need to worry. The accompanying photo was a wide-angle view of the sofa aisle that made it look a mile long as opposed to the half mile it actually is.
Few articles in any publication in any media better captured the state of the US and the state of journalism in the waning 20th century.
> filter
Dear Sirs, I will try not to be overly shocked by some of the awful language I am about to see on this previously family friendly site.
Random thought: I remember every year after the swimsuit editions, Sports Illustrated would publish letters from people canceling their subscription due to the rampant pornography in the magazine. For the first few years, I sort of understood. But when they were getting those letters in response to the 25th anniversary edition…