>a## kicked >history
That is my fear here. Pearl Harbor, HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, battleships were obsolete but we stubbornly hung on to them and lost them to a bunch of cheap airplanes. "We are always fighting the last war." One problem is flag officers tend to be old and the military tends to be hidebound and resistant to change. For example the USN has been signaling for years that they don't need more super carriers, but Congress keeps insisting they build more.
Carriers won't become obsolete overnight, but little countries will start stocking up on cruise missiles and drones and someday they will be able to hit back.
This goes for land warfare too. A cheap drone and a cheap bazooka can take out the best tanks ever made. Drones dropping lowly hand grenades can hunt soldiers in trenches and foxholes relentlessly. There is almost nowhere to hide.
And it's not just us, China, Russia, UK, France are all in the same boat.
This is part of why Australia is putting so much in on building submarines - and nuclear ones at that.