> Chipotle
A Chipotle opened in the town about an hour away where we do most of our grocery shopping. In the course of construction, they had way way too much dirt delivered or something, so after they opened, there was this 20-foot tall mound there.
A local who has a big local following on FB, posted: "Has anyone climbed mountain outside Chipotle? If so, how long did it take you and what route did you use?" This resulted in someone creating a Mount Chipotle sign in the style of USFS signage, then someone put a Christmas tree on it, then someone dressed in a Grinch suit "stole" the tree and was captured on a "security cam" (a purposely grainy photo by a local pro photographer who staged it). It all blew up from there until there were predictable, Save Mount Chipotle signs. Alas, to no avail. We were there two days ago with all our mountaineering gear ready to livestream our ascent to all both of our social media followers, but Mount Chipotle was gone, destroyed and desecrated all in the name of creating eight more parking places.