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Title from a recent post by EG.
Y'all know Debbie gets her primary daily feeds from reddit and she's been watching r/all intently since the IPO to see how corporate is going to beat this beast into submission. Since the Api kerfuffle, the morphing has changed the 'texture' of /all quite a bit and EG's comment succinctly captures what Debbie says in going on. The 1st page used to be pretty gritty with significant numbers of nsfw posts. NSFW/nsfl stuff is still on reddit but it apparently isn't top-ranked anymore.
In keeping with "slap a cat on it," cat posts started working their way to the 1st page pretty quickly after the IPO --at least 3 cat posts on there currently. Then wholesome subreddits like MadeMeSmile. Then comics. With a few more tweaks it'll be close to family-oriented.