Author Topic: Linked in as a Market Research Tool?  (Read 2567 times)


  • Inner Core
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Linked in as a Market Research Tool?
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:52:24 PM »
I'm not really a LI user, but today I was poking around the "skills" section. Pretty interesting, though it gives you very little control to plot one skill against another, some interesting combos come up and you can do some generic things, like see who "tea" stacks up against "chocolate" and a few others.

It also gives you a list of things LI considers related, presumably based on the number of people who list both as a skill. The lists are a lot more idiosyncratic and lateral than say a Google "related" search or what you would see from a typical KW tool.

Here's a graphic attached for the skill "gourmet" - interesting to see that it destroys "fine jewelry" in terms of growth (and overall size). I would expect that in this case, but some others were surprises.

Anyway, fun stuff. I'm not sure it's that useful, though with a few more features it could be killer useful. I think the main thing it's useful for, if my assumption is right about how they come up with their pairings, is that if you have a site that is focussed on the gourmet market, it would perhaps cross-sell well to the obvious (wine), but also the less obvious (swimwear - obvious when you think about it for two seconds, but it would not have come to mind for me).

Anyone ever use LI data for market research? How so?