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Topics - Damian

Pages: [1]
Water Cooler / Extra medical preparations
« on: April 06, 2020, 07:40:44 AM »
Can we compare notes on things that might be useful when getting quick/any help from a hospital or ambulance is not an option ?
I hope I'm just exaggerating but it seems possible that may be a (temporary) reality at some point.

My wife has severe astma and we live far away from any hospital so just buying some time for ourselves (or neighbours and friends in the area) may be important.
No medical training worth mentioning so I am counting on the internet to stay available and teach me things when I need it.

I bought a couple of manual resuscitators. I figure these things can buy some time when someone is developing breathing problems. I'll have to study on how to use it properly as they can be dangerous as well.

We already had some pure oxygen bottles in stock (Single use). I know from experience they can buy time and are a relief for somebody (astmatic) grasping for air for an extended period of time. Example:

Portable Oxygen Generator

Water Cooler / Following local news on Facebook
« on: April 03, 2020, 12:18:13 PM »
The Core news links are a great help for following global news and trends (thank you!).

Google news alerts work well for regional news for me. (region + covid)

But I also want to follow 'village' news in these times. Info that does not even make the local newspapers.

Many valid reasons not to be on Facebook so no discussion there .. but at this local level it works well for me at the moment.
By having many neighbours as friend connections and by following local shops and the local city council and local police etc.
For example to stay informed about modified opening times, local rules, available stock for local shops . Some local shops are closed but invite locals to place orders via email and arrange a pick up time. Some local farmers can not transport or find enough open shops or markets to sell their produce currently and offer to sell direct to local customers.
It should be a good platform when bartering ever becomes more important for a while.

I did not find any alternative sources for this type of news so thought I'd mention it for those who are not on Facebook.

Monetization / Yahoo PPC traffic - beware of low quality clicks
« on: November 22, 2011, 11:01:44 AM »
Note to self: Don't forget to use domain filters when buying Yahoo PPC traffic, and keep an eye on traffic sources in case new 'partners' are added.
From a Dutch campaign targeting the Netherlands, this were the numbers today after not looking for a while. Dutch is not spoken in any of the other countries except Belgium. I am sure they could filter the fraud if they wanted to :(

CountryDivision 630 IPs
341   Netherlands   54.1 %
114   Germany   18.1 %
64   United States   10.2 %
44   Sweden   7.0 %
21   Czech Republic   3.3 %
9   Russian Federation   1.4 %
5   United Kingdom   0.8 %
5   Belgium   0.8 %
4   Poland   0.6 %
4   France   0.6 %
3   Switzerland   0.5 %
2   Greece   0.3 %
2   Spain   0.3 %
2   Denmark   0.3 %
2   Singapore   0.3 %
2   Slovakia   0.3 %
2   Estonia   0.3 %
2   Canada   0.3 %
2   Italy   0.3 %

Water Cooler / The Truth Wears Off
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:23:34 PM »
Many rigorously proved scientific results start shrinking in later studies. What went wrong?
Long but fascinating read about the Decline Effect in scientific research.

As an SEO I would like to know more about how medicial scientists conclude something is good or bad for humans for example, from testing just a few hundred or thousand people when there are so many unknown variables for every test person that could skew the results. If I would understand better I think I could learn some reverse engineering methods I could use on Google's Algo.. essentially the same problem IMHO.

Water Cooler / Hans Rosling shows the best stats you've ever seen
« on: December 04, 2010, 10:18:46 AM »
It's from 2006 but I found it last week.. a 20 min lecture about Statistics in the context of Global Development
A great talk about statistics and the software used to visualize data is impressive IMO.

"Hans Rosling shows the best stats you've ever seen"

The subject is interesting as well I think. In the beginning of the video Hans Rosling talks about asking students and professors to answer 5 questions with two possible answers:  Which country has the highest child mortality ?
 Sri Lanka or Turkey
 Poland or South Korea
 Malaysia or Russia
 Pakistan or Vietnam
 Thailand or South Africa
In every question the child mortality rate is double the other.
The students had 1.8 correct answers on average
The Swedish professors (the people issueing the Nobel prize every year) had 2.4 correct answers on average
A bunch of chimpanzees could be expected to score 2.5

The experiment stuck in my head the past week... is the world really like that ? We are all sheeple repeating what the media feeds us ?
It just doesn't seem a very professional level after all those years of humanity evolving ;)

Water Cooler / Twitter Bot Auto-Debates Climate Change Critics
« on: November 10, 2010, 11:26:40 AM »
I imagine it would be fun to see how far a bot could get on Twitter by auto replying on subjects in some niches.
Could it be a good way for a twitter newbie (me) to collect some more followers ?

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