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Topics - I, Brian

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Monetization / Are Google slowly killing Adsense?
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:13:58 AM »
I don't know about anyone else here, but my Adsense is now about 25% of what it was about 2 years ago.

I look at my Adsense stats, and then look at updates like the Panda variations, not least the algorithmic ranking hit planned delivered to sites who carry "ads above the fold" - and then note that the major media publishers have their Adsense in some of the weirdest "below the fold" places.

And I'm left wondering - is Google in the long-term planning to go the way of Omniture with Adsense - ie, big corporate accounts only worth considering?

A few years ago, my having my Adsense account cancelled might have actually hurt Google. Now I can see Google can easily get rid of people like me without batting an eyelid, so long as newspapers effectively give away their content for pennies now using Adsense.

Isn't it the case that Google, overall, are seriously looking to kill their original webmasters who built up Adsense into what it is now? After all, surely holding those corporate contracts is all that matters? And, newspapers, not knowing their own value, see online revenue as just a bonus income?

Am I simply becoming jaded by thinking that Adsense could switch to corporate accounts only tomorrow, and Google wouldn't bat an eyelid?

Traffic / Google Plus fail
« on: April 26, 2012, 06:58:46 PM »
Every viral page I look at tends to follow the pattern here (top of page):

FB: 16,000+ likes
FB: 11,000+ shares
Google +: 43

Even Pinterest makes it into the hundreds.

Web Development / Magento vs Woocommerce
« on: April 04, 2012, 10:48:41 PM »
Am getting so pissed off with Magento, even though I'm supposed to be only a couple of days from launching the shop.

The whole software is designed to be as user-unfriendly as possible, so that you need to pay for support to get anything working right.

Latest debacle - developers installed Magento 1.5 with the theme I was wanting to use. Looking to upgrade to Magento 1.6 and it looks like f###ing brain surgery.

I can't make any edits to Magento without having to pay someone, not even for basic template tweaks. It was a steep enough curve learning to use Magento because it's just so retentive.

Maybe time to download Woocommerce and see what happens with that. If works, may have to resign myself to copy/pasting products over from one install to the other, seeing as there's no exporter product images.

Figured better to stay with Magento because in the long term it appeared to be be the more professional solution - but it's a hulking piece of sh## that needs a specialist to make basic tweaks.


Just a rant, I guess. :)

Water Cooler / Google Play header link
« on: March 26, 2012, 10:47:57 PM »
Saw a link to Google Play on the top header nav earlier, but not seen it since.

Anyone else spot it yet? Didn't click through so will be interesting to see what it looks like.

Monetization / Pay to post WP plugin?
« on: March 26, 2012, 08:31:46 PM »
Been searching for a plugin for Wordpress that allows you to charge a one-off fee when a user submits and publishes a post to your WP site.

Been trawling around and it looks as though this may have been popular a couple of years ago, but the plugins I come across are not longer active.

Anyone come across anything similar?

Not looking for a "membership" plugin or similar complication - just a straight submit a post for a fee.

Don't mind paying for a plugin that does this simply and easily, if anyone has any pointers. Cheers!

Web Development / DHTML/XHTML pop ups?
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:43:52 AM »
Apologies for asking a dumb question, but I'm looking to set up a fairly low-intrusive pop up for visitors to a domain, asking if they want to download a PDF magazine.

I've never really tried pop-ups before, and know pop ups as new papges are required as evil and sometimes blocked.

However, have never tried low intrusive pop ups within the page code - think I've seen them described as DHTML/XHTML coded??

Bit lost here so am looking for a fast track to learning to use them.

Traffic / Google Search reverting to web?
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:00:11 PM »
I've noticed at present when I search on Google, even after selecting "Pages from the UK", after that initial search it reverts back to "the web".

Very annoying and very user-unfriendly. Also finding it hanging repeatedly, especially in IE 10.

Anyone else see this when not signed in? Another push by Google to minise the results from the UK?

Looking to get a simple app created for iOS and Android which links to an online PDF newsletter.

Not sure how to approach this - anyone any suggestions on getting started, or companies that provide this service without charging enterprise fees?

Marketing / Vote rigging for Google?
« on: March 02, 2012, 09:49:18 AM »
Noticed an interesting result the past couple of months in the injury claims sector - a couple of sites coming in to strong positions, and Google highlighting these sites with 5 stars and thousands of votes or reviews.

For example:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=887a783ce4dd3881&biw=1600&bih=732

I'm curious - where did it get the 9/10 rating and 2567 votes from?

More to the point, is this a signal Google are placing significant emphasis on?

Web Development / Publish rss content to Wordpress?
« on: February 15, 2012, 01:04:15 PM »
I'm looking for a plugin to allow me to publish excerpts from selected RSS feeds to a wordpress site as content.

It's just for a couple of my own domains I want to warm up with a little content, republishing excerpts from other sites I own.

Not worried about ranking for the content - just to bulk up the newer sites until I'm ready to develop them proper.

Any recommendations out there?

Monetization / Adsense
« on: February 01, 2012, 09:18:01 AM »
Anyone else seeing a sharp drop in Adsense earnings since Jan 30th?

I run a few forums, so I suspect possibly the recent update Google announced for dimishing sites with too many ads may have rolled out to the UK now, and this is what's causing a steep drop in traffic and earnings.

However, thought I'd check with everyone else first.

In the meantime, thank you, Google for continuing to squeeze everyday webmasters.

Web Development / Simple Firefox question
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:37:35 PM »
Daft question: I'm on Firefox 9, but the address bar no longer displays "http://" for web addresses, which is proving a minor pain for getting onto secure URLs of a site.

I've been through the "customise toolbar" option, but don't see an option for this.

Am presuming there's a checkbox to tick, or is this is now a default fact of Firefox?

Traffic / Blocking India and China?
« on: January 23, 2012, 11:28:07 AM »
Is there a simple way to block IP's originating from China and India via htaccess?

I've seen some blanket IP's for blocking before now, but I'm really looking for a more intelligent solution than I can currently come up with.

Namely for blocking spammers from those two spammy countries.

Monetization / Online mortgage quote applications provider?
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:41:52 PM »
Looking to add a mortgage quote application to a site, so these can go straight to a broker to provide a response with a trackable commission.

Anyone any suggestions for providers?

Investments, loans, pensions, and insurance also welcome if able. :)

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