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Messages - Zwart

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Water Cooler / Re: RIP Fathom
« on: March 25, 2016, 01:39:47 PM »
I only 'knew' him from SEOChat, but I understand he used to be active @ WMW too (?)

Water Cooler / RIP Fathom
« on: March 22, 2016, 04:40:12 PM »
I thought some of you should know:

Fathom, Canadian SEO PITA of SEOChat fame, has recently passed away.

I dunno the details, and I can't really be arsed to look em up because it's
just so very sad that he died and his former brushes with death now seem
utterly irrelevant.

Some but not all of you will know him.
Most of those will at some point have been verbally abused by him.

In fact he got me banned as a mod @ SEOChat at some point, the bastard!

He'll be sorely missed.

Water Cooler / Re: Please explain British Feeding Schedule
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:36:01 PM »
I think High Tea involves some six-shooters in a corral.

Umm that's "high noon" isn't it?

Please don't confuse us (foreigners) any further than we already are :)

Water Cooler / Re: Please explain British Feeding Schedule
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:16:40 PM »
Hmm after Rooftop's post I'm confused (ok that's a bit early in the thread to get confused).

The thing that continental ladies, getting together around 4pm and drinking tea and stuffing themselves with scones and crumpets and cucu sammies and whathaveyou: is that supposed to be HIGH Tea or AFTERNOON Tea? Or is it a mix? Or none of the above?

I've heard from some semi-Northerners that High Tea is actually the equivalent of dinner, and that Afternoon Tea can be poshed-up in the way I described earlier. But now I'm not so sure...

Great stuff.

I was 'trapped' in London City Airport years ago but all I could bring myself to do was crash on the mock leather diner benches and try and take a nap. Of course I only had a Toshiba G900 at the time so shooting a vid was not really an option :)

This is very creative though. Not quite as creative as tiling the place like Tom Hanks did, but close...  8)

Water Cooler / Re: How Stereotypically English Are You?
« on: April 24, 2014, 07:39:39 PM »
It's prolly very British to have the patience to answer 70 silly questions for nowt.
Soz, I can't be arsed to even try and have a go at pretending to be a Brit.

Funny questions, but far too many

Web Development / Re: Godaddy SUCKS
« on: April 04, 2014, 08:03:36 PM »
No kidding :)

It doesn't even list my toilet bowl. Surely...?

Hardware & Technology / Re: FF Aurora
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:50:32 PM »
OK so there's nowt in it for me as an extravagant, extravert exhibitionist? I'll pass then  :P

Hardware & Technology / Re: FF Aurora
« on: March 22, 2014, 01:04:27 PM »
I just wonder: why on earth should I choose Aurora (beta?) over regular Firefox?

Call me dim but I don't see it

Water Cooler / Re: RC's Replicator
« on: March 14, 2014, 11:08:22 AM »
Rice cookers are great for DIY sous-vide frolics...

Tx Jason.

Alas I'm a cheapskate so I like to test an app before I cough up a tenner and THEN find out it is or is not what I've been looking for. If only cuz I've tried dozens that are utter sh*te


I still cannot find an app that does OWA/Office365 calendars w/o the need to enable PIN access. Maildroid comes close, but it's not quite there. Sigh..........

And I mainly use my mobile to read in bed so I'd add Moonreader+

Next on my list is to check if it's gonna rain nearby, and when exactly, which is why I use Buienalarm a lot. Benelux only - sorry  :)


wikipedia+synonimizer+summarizer = original content

Fair, but still that can be done on-the-fly (or ...erm... so I've heard ;-)

Um why would we wanna do this? It's all available online isn't it?

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