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Messages - Torben

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Hardware & Technology / Re: Let's talk Ransomware
« on: March 07, 2024, 09:09:28 AM »
Most businesses have backup of their systems. Most companies have never tried to restore a backup and have no idea if it is possible.

Most medium and large businesses have intrusion detection but most of them have no idea what to do when an intrusion is detected.

If you have got one computer which is infected with ransomware you can just restore it from a backup and move on. But if have a system of multiple internal and external services, restoring a backup will remove the ransomware but leave mess of out of sync systems. Think of credit card authorizations that are no longer registered, ERP orders and invoice are not registered correct.

There can be a lot of data missing from the last backup to the time you decide to restore, and it can be a huge task to figure out this mess. Banks have plans for this, but most other companies don’t.

The EU NIS2 directive is requiring companies to make plans for such events but most companies are still haven’t got a clue about what to do.

Economics & Investing / Re: Brexit
« on: December 31, 2023, 10:30:44 AM »
After the referendum some Danish parties wanted to leave the EU. Now the most EU sceptical parties just wants more conrol the EU more control and independency. Lessons learned

Water Cooler / Re: Volvo to leave CarPlay alone, focus on other value adds
« on: November 15, 2023, 12:57:22 PM »
> What am I missing?


Nuclear power will make a comeback with small modular reactors.

Sweden is planning to double its nuclear power

> For me the elephant in the room is the demand when the wind isn't blowing and sun isn't shining.

Spot on!

In Denmark we have huge wind turbine farms at sea and they often produce a lot more energy than we need. We will keep expanding wind energy and that's great. The problem is that in the winter time we usually have a period of 5 to 15 days where it is cloudy and there is no wind so no green energy.

Normally if there is no wind in Denmark it's probably windy in the UK and green energy will be distributed where needed. But sometimes as we have seen this summer, wheather systems span large parts of Europe and static for at long time. It's not uncommon that large parts of northern Europe have no wind power at the same time.

There is no storage solution for this. We need nuclear power

UK after Brexit is just a nice-to-have market but they still think they rule 2/3 of the world.

The EU could get away with it but that would go against GDPR

That is impressive. I think I've heard about 5 minute charging with solid state batteries.

When you are going from 30 to 5 minutes in charging time, you need 6 times the watt's trough the charger - all things beeing equal. It will be challenging for the electric grid to deliver that level of burst power to a charging station.

Tailwind CSS ( is the new black

Water Cooler / Re: The FBI Identified a Tor User - Schneier on Security
« on: January 18, 2023, 08:10:46 AM »
*Possibly a lot of global activity too.

The US has been tracking data on connections going from Denmark the east since 1998.

 Not an issue in Denmark. 500km by 200km covers most of the country. LOL

> I guess the answer to that question might be line loss.

All power plants in Denmark provide central heating to industry and residential areas so it makes sense to place the storage near the existing infra structure.

I think that you will have the line loss regardless of where you place the storage because the distance to the endpoint is the same

Water Cooler / Re: hosting renewal
« on: October 06, 2022, 06:33:59 PM »
done! And thanks!

Safari is still lagging in WebP support (Safari is the new Internet Explorer :()

However, the next iOS and MacOS to be releases this fall will support AVIF:

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