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Topics - gm66

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Water Cooler / CORONA Data
« on: September 21, 2020, 08:18:25 AM »
How's the data looking in your country ?

Here's the daily deaths stats from NHS England from the start up until a few days ago :

Data source :

Water Cooler / Today.
« on: September 12, 2020, 01:41:32 AM »
Bless all the lost and all that loved them.

Water Cooler / What happens when you don't wear your mask in Melbourne
« on: September 03, 2020, 09:13:12 PM »
To be fair this copper is using unreasonable force and i'm sure this isn't the norm in Melbourne, but i'm surprised his colleague didn't step in when he was choking the woman.

My two pennies, if i was the guy filming, that copper would have got a swift shin-smash to the jaw for being so unreasonable with a woman, but i'm a Scottish Wildman and honour comes before punishment ;+}

Water Cooler / fr## sp##ch ?
« on: August 01, 2020, 01:03:31 AM »
This morning on channel 5 with Jeremy Vine, a guy called in saying he didn't want to wear a mask when he went to the shops, which is obviously counter-culture right now.

I wear a mask when i go to the shops, but just to please others, the stats don't bear out the fear.

What i didn't like was the treatment of the man that called in.

He's a capitalist civilian just like the rest of us, yet he got called an idiot by the entire 'news' team, he was doggedly bullied, he wasn't even allowed to have his opinion.

One of the presenters compared his desire to go shopping without a mask to people going driving without wearing a seat belt, which reminded me of many moronic analogies. Analogies are rarely useful or data-comparative and mostly emotional.

What we have here is a situation where no-one knows what the frack is going on, therefore every response is a fail - it's either too much or too little, too soon or too late.

The numbers tell use that we all have more chance of winning the lottery than 'catching' the germ.

I think it's over blown, and i've seen it close to hand.

I wouldn't want to be the guy that comes to my house with a needle for me and my loved ones, i could not believe Fauci the other week, comparing accepting enforced vaccination as a 'civil rights' act' He actually frakkin said that.

This is called inversion, the self-interested, careerist wankers who don't give a sh## about anybody else, are actually trained in neuro linguistic programming as part of their political education. They are sold it as marketing, they come from Harvard and end up in Glaxo What Ever.

And most people think they are nice guys, that they have the interests of Humanity at heart.

Look around you, we are the toads, the water is getting even hotter.

Yes i keep saying this because i see it now and you can see it when reading history, government has always been about control of the populace, not about the well-being of them. Every Western government is modeled on old Rome '.. make them comfortable but make them obey ...".

We don't have left or right or center, it's smoke and mirrors, we have bottom, middle and top.

The individuals that are in charge of the institutions behind government - they are at the top and they are unelected, these are our governments advisors. All of our ministers, Prime or not, do what the advisers tell them to do, since the advisers are the experts. But the advisers don't change, over decades.

Your average voter doesn't have a clue about the minutiae of government and how laws get passed and the world changes, voting is a pastime for the ignorant.

I think (ironically) we need a system of gov that no longer pretends to be left or right, we need to vote in capable individuals to a team that runs the country. Left and Right seem like meaningless labels now, we need teams of experts that can run countries, not ministers that do transport one year and finance the next, noone is that multi-skilled.

The whole thing needs a f###ing upgrade, i've had 4 adult decades of it now and it's fucknig sh## and needs re-tooling.

Love you guys x x x

Water Cooler / My early use of resin 3D Printers.
« on: July 31, 2020, 11:57:17 PM »
Don't buy one except for specialist purposes.

I'm very careful with the resin protocol, it's toxic crap, and it's so costly, even when you hollow the models and do your drain-holes it still costs more per gramme in comparison to FDM. Now and then you get a print fail, and a resin fail is far more costly than an FDM fail.

You have to use at least one pair of Nitrile gloves with each print, because the workflow is Print, Clean, Remove supports, Cure. After 15mins of exposure even Nitrile melts.

You can recycle your IPA so that's all good.

On average i've seen print times that are 4x faster than FDM (standard 3D Printers), i've seen up to 6 times faster on some models.

One big advantage is that 2 models take roughly the same time as one model to print on resin, since it's done layer by layer.

Models feel more solid and can now use inlay.

I am sweating my arse off just sitting here typing so i will now get naked, but not type whilst in that state. It would seem weirdly unfaithful or something.

Hugs & Kisses ;+} x x x

Water Cooler / My continuing search for Love on Amazon Answers
« on: July 31, 2020, 10:31:02 PM »
I may have met The One today, but how can you tell ? Are there signs ?

Pictorial representation attached.

Water Cooler / Ghislaine.
« on: July 05, 2020, 01:44:11 AM »
Time until death? Taking bets by PM now ;+}

Water Cooler / China's 3 Gorges dam not looking so good.
« on: July 04, 2020, 01:31:01 PM »
If it goes, Wuhan would disappear.

Traffic / Daft keyword stuff.
« on: July 03, 2020, 05:42:06 PM »
On Google UK

'etsy login' has 4,400 searches per month!?

Water Cooler / Vodafone and VPNs
« on: June 22, 2020, 10:29:54 AM »
I've been with Vodafone for a few months now, after a bit of testing it's apparent that they :

1. Block the use of any VPN software.
2. Block access to all VPN software sellnig sites.

I'm gonig to test with another router soon.

Surely it's illegal to block customer access to VPN software sites ?

Water Cooler / Oberg colour footage of Pearl Harbour.
« on: June 16, 2020, 05:41:32 PM »
I'd not heard of this before, the presenter tells the story well :

Water Cooler / COVID-related death in my gf's family.
« on: June 15, 2020, 12:37:06 PM »
My gf's sisters mum-in-law went into hospital due to having pain in her legs, shes 70+, the first thing they did was to test her for COVID and she was negative. Testing to do with her symptoms revealed that she was riddled with cancer, so she had to stay in hospital for further tests then hopefully treatment.

They re-test all patients who are staying in hospital weekly for COVID (this is the Leicester Royal Infirmary in the UK), so when she had her second test, bear in mind the first was negative then she spent 1 week in hospital, she tested positive, the hospital admitted that she caught it in the hospital.

They then gave her 48 hours to live, and SENT HER HOME to die!

Now two family members that were trying to look after her at home have caught COVID and the Mother passed away yesterday morning.

I cannot believe the hospital sending her home with it, has anyone else heard of this happening ?

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