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Topics - Adam C

Pages: [1] 2 3

They started out innocuously and predictably enough. Bitcoin or ethereum? Virtual reality or augmented reality? Who will get quantum computing first, China or Google? Eventually, they edged into their real topic of concern: New Zealand or Alaska? Which region would be less affected by the coming climate crisis? It only got worse from there. Which was the greater threat: global warming or biological warfare? How long should one plan to be able to survive with no outside help? Should a shelter have its own air supply? What was the likelihood of groundwater contamination? Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system, and asked: “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?” The event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, solar storm, unstoppable virus, or malicious computer hack that takes everything down.

Hardware & Technology / What tablet to occupy the kids?
« on: October 03, 2021, 07:35:13 PM »
I've got some family travelling coming up and am thinking we need a get out of jail card by way of personal screen time for my 6 and 3 year old.

Thinking of getting 2 tablets we can load up with cartoons that we can bring out when all else fails... hopefully not within the first 5 minutes.

Anything recommendations?

I figure we don't have any complex needs...

Something that can run Amazon Video / Netflix / iPlayer apps, and also have some local storage for a few hours worth of Netflix downloads or similar.

Monetization / I miss the old AdSense
« on: November 20, 2020, 11:21:42 PM »
BBC News - 'I was embarrassed to tell friends about my business'


Surprisingly the first time the BBC have used automated content production


He’s a man who has devoted himself, at huge personal cost, to helping victims of ransomware around the world. A man who guards his privacy dearly to protect himself, because for every message of gratitude he receives, almost as many messages of abuse come at him from the cyber criminals who hate him.

In fact, they hate him so much that they leave him angry threats buried deep inside the code of their own viruses.

Traffic / How I recorded user behaviour on my competitor’s websites
« on: August 21, 2018, 12:47:08 PM »

Here’s what I did:

User lands on my page (referrer: google)
When they hit “back” button in Chrome, JS sends them to my copy of SERP
Click on any competitor takes them to my mirror of competitor’s site (noindex)
Now I generate heatmaps, scrollmaps, records screen interactions and typing.

Water Cooler / Danny Sullivan joins Google
« on: October 09, 2017, 11:43:47 AM »

My title is still being determined, but the position will be to serve as a sort of public liaison for search. The goal is to increase the connection between those at Google who work hard on search each day and the public that depends on Google for answers. I’ll be educating the public about how search works. I’ll be exploring and explaining issues that may arise. I’ll be looking at ways to take in feedback and work for solutions to improve search going forward.

Water Cooler / An SQL injection attack is a legal company name in the UK
« on: January 06, 2017, 10:17:15 AM »

Someone just registered their company name as ; DROP TABLE "COMPANIES";-- LTD.

As people come and go, we need to add and remove users to various properties GWT profiles.

Does anyone know of a way of doing this in bulk?

e.g. newuser =
add to all profiles where is owner

Economics & Investing / China / international business article?
« on: August 10, 2015, 10:13:14 AM »
I'm trying to track down an article that I'm sure was posted here in around June time this year.  Shouldn't be that difficult, but maybe I'm wrong and I didn't find it here.  Just in case this sounds familiar...

the article was about the China opening up to international business and dropping certain restrictions on physical office locations / fees for non Chinese businesses setting up

edit - feel free to delete this as I just spotted MrMackin had already posted the same story here:

I missed this last week, but a very interesting (though lengthy) read:

Some highlights

  • Google weakening their organic results to drive users into their own vertical offerings - hinting at strategic algorithm changes to demote whole verticals
  • Maneuvering to prevent Bing reaching a useful critical mass of query volume
  • Using data scraped from amazon to order its own product results

Water Cooler / US roadtrip advice
« on: March 02, 2015, 01:37:07 PM »
Last April, my wife and I took a last minute trip to California and ended up having one of the best trips of our lives.  A few days in San Francisco, before driving north for a few days in the Sonoma County wineries, then south back through SF, down the coast via Santa Cruz and Carmel to a final stop at more wineries in the Paso Robles area.

We arrived back in London with a suitcase full of wine, some great memories and a pregnancy testing kit with 2 blue stripes through it. 

10 or so months later, we have a 7 week old baby, and are thinking about trying another US roadtrip in a couple of months time.

As we have a number of folk here from that side of the pond I thought I'd see if I could tap into your local wisdom to help kick start our research process.

Right now, we're thinking:

* We loved California, but tempted to try the East coast for a shorter flight time
* We'll have around 2 weeks to play with
* The roadtrip element isn't a must, but we'd probably like to see a few different places, though happy to stay put for a few days
* Toying with the idea of a National Park visit/stay
* Warm weather would be nice (for us that would mean highs in the 60-75 F range)
* We'll likely travel in Apil or May
* Having the baby is no doubt going to mean we have to do some things differently

Any ideas welcome, no matter how vague or specific.

Water Cooler / Hayfever
« on: July 05, 2013, 10:37:55 AM »

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