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Traffic / Re: Bada Bing, Bada Boom
« on: September 21, 2011, 08:40:50 PM »


Traffic / Re: webgrep
« on: September 20, 2011, 12:53:22 PM »
Thanks for the votes, any more?

Looks as though Blekko have not got the data delivery method sorted (for the large result sets), I'll let you know when they do. They are very good at responding to emails, so I'm in touch with them re the data.

Traffic / Re: webgrep
« on: September 17, 2011, 05:17:33 PM »
I've posted a grep, so votes for "Sites with Phone Numbers" would be appreciated.

Let's see if we can trigger a grep.

Traffic / Re: PPC Campaign Creation at Scale
« on: July 03, 2011, 02:05:03 AM »
Indeed, Excel can be a very effective tool for PPC - we set up an enormous AdCenter campaign when it launched ages ago (1.3 Million local ads, each with a different URL and text, based on rules we were able to set up in Excel - probably could have done it in PHP but excel was straight forward too). Not sure if things have changed much as we stopped doing PPC a good few years ago.

Nowadays, I would suggest using PHP or something similar (that you program with to your specific needs) as you can then call the Google API rather than rely on spreadsheet uploads - it's all down to how much time you expect to invest in PPC.

Water Cooler / Re: What's the best .anything you can think of...
« on: June 25, 2011, 06:36:35 PM »
.cotton is a pun on a character from a uk tv soap opera, I thought most people here are UK based.

.local is what i would go for as local search is my business but i dont have the cash to promote it.

Water Cooler / What's the best .anything you can think of...
« on: June 25, 2011, 09:30:59 AM »
A little fun...

Now that anyone with a good story (and $185K) can get a .anything GTLD; what would you go for?

I think it'll be confusing for most users so I'll start with a really bad pun rather than a real one:


Web Development / Re: new gTLDS
« on: June 25, 2011, 09:19:56 AM »
I doubt that the new tld's will work like this (as they are meant to be something.anything)...

.poker (without a second level part) could be an interesting development if it was allowed (and marketed by enough brands)

I suppose that it would be possible to do that, but probably would not get the go ahead.

Monetization / Re: Google Analytics is 'free'
« on: June 25, 2011, 08:55:42 AM »
There are lots of ways that advertising can be targeted - "Behavioural Targeting" is a good search to start with if you are new to this. The advertising companies are currently probing to see how much they can get away with (before governments legislate against actions) - it's frightening what info can be collected...

Water Cooler / Re: Another Meeting?
« on: June 25, 2011, 08:49:57 AM »
Windsor is right next to Heathrow so a trip from Edinburgh is easy for me - hope I can make it this time (for the first time).

Indeed, personalisation is a double edged sword. If a service knows what I like, and only delivers me things it thinks I'll be interested in, what likelihood is there of me discovering something new (and a bit or a lot different) through that service.

Furthermore, being constantly fed the same viewpoint is dangerous(which is what could happen if meaning is successfully extracted from the sources on offer); we can see at all sorts of examples where people choose to read views which are similar to their own (newspapers are a great example of this) - the last thing we need is for the web (a great source of conflicting views) to be divided up so that people believe that they are right because all they see agrees with them. Such a setting is a breeding ground for extremism (and I'm not just talking about religion) - an example is the peak oil vs abiotic oil argument; either side emerses itself in its own literature and can develop a fierce hatred of the "opposition" (although I have to agree that those that think oil is abiotic are nuts...)


This does remind us that a good way to repeat traffic is to be on the extreme edge of an argument, or at least consistent in reporting a (relatively) commonly held viewpoint that is under-represented in the mainstream media.

Water Cooler / Re: Secrets of the Superbrands
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:48:50 AM »
Had a few recommendations to watch it, did last night and was not impressed - the simple "facts" were wrong so even if they were to cover something I hadn't already heard (which they didn't) I would not have believed it.

A piece of garbage that will have viewers thinking they know stuff, meaning they will repeat it to their techie mates ad nauseum as though they have insight into areas that they had no interest in before.

(just re-read this before hitting the post button - I am grumpy AND cynical today, usually manage one or the other of those)

Seems to me that they should (or will be in the background) have tiers depending on sales volume. If Amazon sell a lot of eBooks then they should have a small percentage applied rather than 30%, you could say that's unfair to the smaller player but that's reality - bring volume and you get better terms. I don't like it (the fact they want to monetise access to people on their devices), but Apple do have a captive audience that like to spend cash so small companies will still see a benefit in losing 30% of sales to Apple as they will get more revenue being in rather than out.

Marketing / Re: Offline Comment Spam
« on: May 17, 2011, 04:41:45 PM »
Shows the state of the newspaper industry, it's falling apart and getting something into print is pretty easy (but also pretty pointless in many cases).

Newspapers should have been the Groupon or Local/Tourist Guides as they had a huge advantage of local readers - they threw it away by burying their head in the sand.

Marketing / Re: Brilliant SEO marketing ad...Make People FEEL
« on: May 17, 2011, 04:32:55 PM »
There's so much wrong with that video...

It's a rip-off for a start, is the original.

It's offensive to blind people, being blind does not equate to having to beg. How does giving money contribute to solving the message on his sign? That sign says pity me.

It's a sad reflection of what we expect from our society in the UK that not a single person is portrayed interacting in any way with the guy.


Better stop the rant before I go too far.

Hardware & Technology / Re: New monitor only 22 Pixels Per Inch!
« on: April 15, 2011, 04:53:19 PM »
4K - ooh, yes please. Did look at the Red One 4K camera recently (not to buy, just interested and spent a bit of time on their site)

Problem will be the cost...

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