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Messages - gm66

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 72
Water Cooler / Re: Lock down projects
« on: June 09, 2020, 09:27:30 AM »
This is one I did a couple of years ago.

I'd be very pleased with myself to have built that.

Water Cooler / Re: Lock down projects
« on: June 09, 2020, 09:24:25 AM »

All my life i've thought it was currents, same as water and tricity!

< £750 worth of wood

still much cheaper than buying a kit.

I'm making a vertical hydroponic herb garden :

The brown bits are printed (lid and netpot holders), i never used to enjoy design but i'm getting into it now, Fusion 360 is free for hobbyists at the moment and has amazing features. The boxy netpot holder is the new, non-leak design but it's still too big for my liking.

Water Cooler / Interesting article on the Wright brothers' maths.
« on: June 09, 2020, 09:03:20 AM »
I didn't realise they had such bad weather for their first flight! This is about the theory they developed that gave them the confidence that their machine would stay in the air :

Water Cooler / Significant upward surge in client positions.
« on: June 01, 2020, 11:38:36 PM »
It's been 3 weeks now and every single one of my clients has had a major upswing, every single one, all in different markets.

Algaroo has reported no amazing volatility, of course we had the May core update, but up across every client, i've never had that before as a single surge.

Since they introduced the so-called rank-brain i've recorded massive swings, in comparison to pre-rank-brain ranking. Rank-brain seems aggressive in it's recalculations, it seems to be trying new things all the time, which isn't necessarily good for a fixed space like search.

Anyone else anomalously benefiting recently, sudden upswings with no extra work, across the board ?

Water Cooler / Re: Darwin 2020
« on: June 01, 2020, 08:43:04 PM »
I'm getting a bit jealous of the religious monopoly on the award. Is something going on behind the scenes ?

Water Cooler / Re: YOUTUBE music thread
« on: May 29, 2020, 11:31:02 PM »
Many memories of my first special lady :

Water Cooler / For any UK veg box delivery customers
« on: May 29, 2020, 11:29:01 PM »
I like to buy at least my root veg organic since they suck up a lot more pesticides if they aren't. For two bloody years i was buying my weekly box (£15 of veg plus sometimes cheese and wine) from

Then i found

Same quality, significantly cheaper.

And they wash the carrots for you !

Goodnight Lenz's Law :

Patents (some ungranted as yet):

Technical marketing :

Water Cooler / Re: SpaceX launch live feed
« on: May 27, 2020, 10:41:38 PM »
Saturday's weather looking good.

That has me wondering how much is known of music in the ancient world and transmission of instruments and music across broader distances.

A favourite topic of mine, you should hear my collection of 1920's music, not so ancient but fun!

The ancient Egyptians left us no transcriptions of tunes, but we know they strongly effected musicians in Greece, Europe and even so far as the Orient, and we know most of their instruments.

Ancient Rome left us quite a lot of transcribed pieces, this is my favourite YT channel for listening to that, i love the fact you know you are hearing it just as it sounded 2K years or more ago :

The ancient Greeks left some behind also, this chap specialises in that, some are from original works (mostly dust so mainly illegible) and some are his own :

One up for Kahoot. Kids use it all the time and setting up a contest/quizz is quite simple. You can also find a lot of old quizzes.

Fantastic, i'll use that when it's our turn next, assuming we're still in lockdown!

Water Cooler / Re: Covid 19 interesting data from the UK
« on: May 27, 2020, 09:25:46 AM »
My friend Duncan ( told me off for jumping on the Neil Ferguson hate bandwagon :

"Looking at code in a critical way is also good, my friend, but hang
on hard to your goolies and don't get swept over by internet
rage-raising that has nothing to do with science or public health.

Ferguson and his team have been doing the same jobs internationally
for at least 2 decades before Johnson and Cummings showed up to and
chose to write cohorts of our population and elders off to quick and
terrifying deaths, alone, and without medical help, in pursuit of
dumb old ideas and new fantasies.

He and Imperial will be around when Britain is finally shot of these people.

Because of the gravity of what they did in February and March, and
the lethal effects, they are desperate for any distraction, as Trump
as is. The attacks on Ferguson come from there, as did the spying on
his personal life and then the hate campaign against him in
tabloids. We have seen it all before, have we not?

Take a deep breath, and see if any codepicking nitpicks actually
affect the scientific outcomes. For example, how does Imperial's
predictions compare with the University College, Edinburgh or John
Hopkins models.

Have proper peer-checked papers been published that make criticisms
of the IC model?

Most important.. Have you gone and got the code, run it, checked the
issues and claims and how they would affect outcomes. Have you
read the other and related NERVTAG papers about it ?

I would have expected everyone's models to essentially be at least 10
years old, because they were all put together after SARS. Its not a
crisicism, at all. There's been no real huge pandemic since.

If there is a stochastic element set to diffferent runs, then of
course each run will be different, and drive a probabilistic
outcomes. All these points need to be checked, to be responsible.

If you'd like to dig further, there is definitely rigourous checking
needing to be done. Suggest you do all the checks above, and come back"

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