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Messages - I, Brian

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Marketing / Re: Influencer marketing is bullshit
« on: December 15, 2018, 08:41:24 PM »
I have the opposite problem - I run a big science fiction/fantasy reading community. I've repeatedly try to touch base with publishers to get them to send review copies of books, so we can promote them. Barely ever is anyone interested, and whenever someone does it only lasts a few months and then they've moved on to a new department or company without telling us.

Water Cooler / Re: Inner Core and Regular Member clarification.
« on: December 15, 2018, 08:34:13 PM »
*coughs*. I noticed my permissions disappeared a few years back. However, knock knock? :)

Water Cooler / Re: The Official Introduction Thread.
« on: December 15, 2018, 08:33:23 PM »
I've been away for a while - looking to find some familiar faces here. :)

I noticed gurtie's not been about for a while but grnidone is. Is JasonD still about? Is Aaron Wall still active? What did Dave do after he did work with Microsoft? Is Rand Fishkin a millionaire yet? Did Matt Cutts really leave Google? How did Danny end up becoming a spokesman for them? Lol, yes, it's been a few years. :)

There's long been rumbles, but IMO it's more a case of wanting freedom to pursue national agendas outside EU restrictions (cf recent moved in Poland and Hungry to control their judiciary, for example). However, the economic benefits remain too enticing to leave - hence why even Greece at its lowest point a few years ago wouldn;t, and why even the xenophobes in the UK are struggling to agree an agreement to leave. :)

I don't think Yahoo! had a strategy either. :D

Marketing / Re: Twitter marketing stats?
« on: August 13, 2013, 05:54:01 PM »
Neil Gaiman is the one that comes to mind right away.

He's already a best-selling author with a long history of social presence online via his blog.

Marketing / Re: Twitter marketing stats?
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:04:38 AM »
Well, from my own research, active Twitter followers and FB users runs at around 1-3% with 2% being a norm - but that the largest the following, the lower the active userbase.

In other words, social media is a bit of a piece of sh## unless you're doing offers for CTA.

Otherwise, followers count for very little.

Water Cooler / Re: Tao, the engine behind Facebook
« on: July 01, 2013, 01:59:48 PM »
And Facebook search is still crap.

It's almost impossible to find people you aren't directly connected with. Am trying to find old friends from my old home town - it's in my profile, but when I search their names, FB still returns people from the US.

If FB implemented a search based on location and/or likes, school, etc, it would be a killer.

Instead, it's great for people near you, useless for those who aren't.

Marketing / Re: Twitter marketing stats?
« on: June 20, 2013, 07:47:01 PM »
Are there any actual studies ore reports on ROI from Twitter, or at the very least CTA rates?

I've only looked at a handful of examples, but in every one I'm finding a CTR of 1-2% on links published/favourited/retweeted on Twitter. Not enough to publish an in-depth article, but I'm a newbie to Twitter so surely other people have published actual results (without falling into the propaganda of reporting increased success via percentile figures of incresed engagement within Twitter).

Hardware & Technology / Re: Android Browsers for Privacy
« on: June 13, 2013, 12:49:00 PM »
Aren't the word combination "Android" and "privacy" a complete oxymoron?

Web Development / Re: Woocommerce vs Prestashop
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:22:45 AM »
I really like Woocommerce - it's so simple and easy to use. The 2.0 version is a nice update and has a pretty comprehensive range of plugins.

If you're happy with Wordpress, it's worth considering. If you're not happy with Wordpress, then obviously not. I think that's the only sales point for you.

I've never had scalability issues with WP either, and so long as the software remains up to date - which *any* install should do - and you take normal ordinary precautions, then security should be fine.

This NSA stuff seems like really, really old news to me.

It is - there's a US Base near York in the UK called Menwith Hill, whose job is to hoover all of Europe's ecommunications and filter them against sensitive keywords. Been doing it for years. For some reason it's getting no coverage, even though I thought this was public domain stuff.

I guess it's just American's feeling outraged that they might be subjected to the same surveillence the US imposes on the rest of the world.

I'm still waiting for all these gun owners - who say they must have arms to protect against corrupt government - to actually do something. Seems they're happy to be spied on without permission and imprisoned without trial by their own government. Wonder what it'll take to make them actually rise up and live up to their posturing BS.

Water Cooler / Re: Orwellian scenario
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:09:58 AM »
So what part of "Orwellian" didn't TESCO shoppers understand?

There's nothing new in this story, except the suggestion that getting loyalty vouchers is "Orwellian".

"Orwellian" is about controlling how people think - not about giving them discounts.

Despite shopping at Tescos for years, I've never been sent personalised offers, just generic Clubcard vouchers.

Maybe they already know I'm trouble. :)

Marketing / Twitter marketing stats?
« on: May 20, 2013, 07:00:06 PM »
So I've finally begun to explore Twitter, and followed how information content is acted up.

And so far, I'm seeing response rates as pitiful.

I had a Tweet retweeted in front of about 20K people to a forum thread, and saw about 200 actual clickthroughs from this.

I'm finding similar on other information content being linked to from other people.

My impression so far is that Twitter is basically acting like an email list - but that most of the emails are so full of crap most followers have long fatigued from caring from such notices.

I figure, by analogy, if you are on an email list that sends you 10 emails a day, mostly chatter about what they're having for lunch and similar banality, how long would you pay attention to that?

I'm basically wondering if I'm coming out on the overly-cynical side of this, or whether Twitter has some kind of proven CTA statistics based on normal use (as a follower) as opposed to special offers (promoted Tweets).

Web Development / Re: Magento vs Woocommerce
« on: May 05, 2013, 01:53:20 PM »
Thanks for the response... but I really still would like to know if woocoommerce can handle product catalogs that are over 2000 products... is there anybody out there with the experience with this "newcomer" that can offer some insight?

My biggest Wordpress site - non-Woocommerce - has nearly 20k posts and no problems, so I would be surprised if Woocommerce had problems handling tens of thousands of products.

Magento is a complete joke and nothing more than OSCommerce rebranded and done worse.

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